Launch day for Mindful Moments is here!
As regular readers of A Leap of Faith will know I am very conscious of my own emotional health and wellbeing. Over the years I have been fortunate enough to bring that passion to the world in a professional capacity as well. 2020 is the first year I have not been able to volunteer for World Mental Health Day in some capacity so I decided to mark the occasion in a different way. By creating a space for myself and others to be mindful of the good in their world. That space is Mindful Moments. And my goal was to be ready in time for this important event.
Today is the deadline I set myself for launch!
The theme for WMHD 2020 is Mental Health for All, and so I’m inviting you all to share something that has had a positive outcome for you during the link up. Maybe it is something that started out as a negative, but you learnt a lesson. Perhaps you have made a daily note of something you are grateful for. Or there could just be something, anything that has brought you sunshine and you want to share. If none of the above apply then perhaps you have something to look forward to in the coming month.
But that’s not all!
For me this space is as much about having somewhere to come back to and reflect on the silver linings when times are challenging. Hopefully we can make it into a treasure trove of positivity? A gratitude journal for us all to share and benefit from.
Check out the instructions on how to join here,
No blog? No problem. I am very happy to share guest posts. For this, or if you have any questions then please do get in contact here.